Insights on


Business and Finance
ACE Investment & Impact Advisors

Imported Dependencies: Unpacking Ethiopia’s Trade Challenges and Opportunities

Ever wonder why so many of our daily consumer goods are imported? The issue stretches far beyond the supermarket shelves. Dive into a deep discussion on Ethiopia’s economic landscape, our reliance on imports, the relevance of ኢትዮጵያ ታምርት, and the proactive initiatives aimed at boosting local manufacturing. Let’s explore together how Ethiopia should move towards self-sufficiency— and how.

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Business and Finance
ACE Investment & Impact Advisors

Regional Integration: The Unsuspecting Key to Collective Prosperity — The Case of FDI in East Africa

In collaboration with ACE Investment and Impact Advisors, we are pleased to present an exploration into the dynamics of foreign direct investment (FDI) in East Africa. Numerous factors can influence FDI, both positively and negatively. Our insightful article delves into an often-overlooked yet critical element that would ensure a continuous influx of FDI into the region. Stay and explore these valuable insights that may redefine your understanding of FDI trends in East Africa.

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Business and Finance
ACE Investment & Impact Advisors

Is Ethiopia Poised to Join the Elite Ranks of Mega Flower Exporters?

Love blooms across borders, just like Ethiopia’s flowers this Valentine’s Day. As one of the world’s emerging floral giants, is Ethiopia ready to join the elite ranks of mega flower exporters? Explore our latest data visualization and detailed insight— brought to you in partnership with ACE investment and Impact Advisors— to see where love—and flowers—are taking flight.

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Business and Finance
ACE Investment & Impact Advisors

The Balancing Act: Ethiopia’s Economic Policies, Loans, and the Pursuit of Sustainable Development by 2030

How are domestic banks allocating their loans? In our latest collaboration with ACE Investment and Impact Advisors, we take an in-depth look at domestic loan distribution, sectoral investments, and their alignment with national strategies and initiatives. We warmly invite you to delve into our detailed article to discover more!

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Business and Finance
Reqiq Staff

Decoding the Complexities of Debt and Development

In our first collaboration with ACE Investment and Impact Advisors, we present an exclusive exploration into Ethiopia’s external debt. Moving beyond the numbers, delve into our in-depth analysis covering the historical, current, and prospective facets of Ethiopia’s financial landscape.

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